Ron delivering presentation on the origins and process of Earth Art @ Ella Sharp Museum, Jackson/Michigan 2011.
"Moon Over Miami" Acrylic, enamel, indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in the sun, on circular canvas frame. 78" diameter. (On exhibit @ Burkhardt's solo show, Manolis Projects/Miami, April-May 2022.)
"Euphoria" 2023. Acrylic, enamel, indigenous soil, soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 74 x 52" (Exhibited at Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery/West Palm Beach, May-December 2023 and at Studio 1608 Gallery/West Palm Beach, January-March 2024 and @ Haven Gallery/Palm Beach, June 2024-January 2025.)
"Terra Nova" Confluence of acrylic, enamel, indigenous soil fused with water and bleached in the sun. 46.5 x 45.5" (On exhibit @ Sotheby's/NY, 2018 and exhibited @ "US Biennale Artists" @ Broadway Gallery/Soho, and BebaBlue Gallery/Hell's Kitchen, NY, 2016)
“America Abstracted” 2020. Acrylic, enamel and house paint leached through indigenous soil and debris, soaked in water and baked in the sun. 54 x 132” (On Exhibit @ Delray Beach Public Library, September-December 2021 and Manolis Projects/Miami, March 2022 and June 2023.)
"SnowFire" 2020. Confluence of acrylics and enamel on canvas fused w/water and indigenous soil, bleached in sun. 37 X 70" (On Exhibit @ Paul Fisher Gallery Winter Art Show/West Palm, 2020 and @ Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery/West Palm, May 2024.)
"Grey Fields" 2023. Acrylic, enamel, house paint, indigenous soil soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 80 x 58" (On exhibit @ Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery/West Palm Beach, April-May 2023 and @ Haven Gallery/Palm Beach, June 2024-January 2025.)
Earth Art "Liquidity" 2015. Acrylic, enamel and organic debris soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 47 x 93" (On exhibit @ Manolis Projects/Miami Burkhardt Solo Show in 2021.)
"Jumping Timelines" 2022. Acrylic, sand, organic debris and twigs, house paint leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and bleached in sun. 165" x 55" (On exhibit @ The Winter Art Show, West Palm Beach, January 2023.)
"Languid Lagoons" 2017. Acrylic, india inks and indigenous soil fused in water & bleached in sun on canvas. 33.5 x 68" (On Exhibit @ Manolis Projects, Art Basel/Miami 2019.)
"Preserve" 2010. Confluence of acrylics and enamel leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and baked in the sun. 46 x 81"
"Blue Stalactites" 2023. Acrylic, enamel, indigenous soil soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 78 x 56" (On exhibit @ Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery/West Palm Beach and Chicago, April-May, 2023)
SOLD-"Grey Gardens" 2022. Acrylic, enamel & house paint leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 47 x 63" (Private collection of Gale Brophy/Palm Beach)
"White Winds" 2018. Acrylic and enamel leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 48 x 97"
"WaterFalls" 2008. Acrylic and enamel leached through indigenous soil on canvas soaked in water and baked in the sun. 46 x 33" (On Exhibit @ City Point Tower, West Palm Beach/FL, 2013 and Palm Beach Design Center, November, 2014, and in Burkhardt Solo Show @ Manolis Projects/Miami, April-May 2022.)
"Swimming Upstream" 2020. Acrylic and enamel on canvas leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and baked in sun. 81.5 x 38.5" (On Exhibit @ Manolis Projects Gallery, Art Basel/Miami 2020.)
SOLD-"Parallel Universe" 2018. Acrylic, enamel, house paint leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and baked in the sun. 49 x 105" (On exhibit @ Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery/West Palm Beach, May 2024 and @ Haven Gallery/Palm Beach, June 2024-January 2025. Private collection of Sheila Rosenblum, Palm Beach & New York.)
SOLD-"Black Forest" 2018. Acrylics, enamel leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and bleached in the sun. 58 x 46" (Private collection of Matt and Larry Isaacson, Brooklyn/NY)
"Terra Euphora" 2012. Acrylic, enamel and indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in sun. 53 x 67" (On Exhibit @ the Winter Art Show 2020 and 2023, West Palm Beach and the Well Being Center, West Palm Beach, FL 2022)
"Symphony in Lime" 2010. Acrylic and enamel on canvas, leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and baked in the sun. 72 x 45" (On Exhibit @ Chandler Gallery, Jupiter/FL, 2022.)
"Autumnal Equinox" Acrylic, enamel, leaves, indigenous soil and Central Park foliage debris soaked in water and bleached in the sun on canvas. 33 x 49"
SOLD-"Lakers Golden Years" 2011. Acrylic, enamel, oil paint pens, house paint and indigenous soil on canvas soaked in water and baked in the sun. 66 x 75" (Private collection of Shaquille O'Neal, Orlando/FL)
"American Cascades" 2011. Acrylic, enamel and diamond dust on canvas soaked in water, leached through indigenous soil and baked in the sun. 47 x 60" (On Exhibit @ Luminarte Gallery/Dallas, May 2013 and @ Burkhardt Solo Show, Manolis Projects/Miami, April-May 2022 and June 2023 and @ Acquisitions of Fine Art Gallery/West Palm, May 2024.)
"Vortex" Axcrylic, enamel and indigenous soil on canvas soaked in water and baked in sun. 43 x 78" (On Exhibit @ Forster Gallery/Miami, 2015-2016.)
SOLD-"Terra Abstracta" 2009. Acrylic, enamel and indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in the sun. 33 x 40" (On Exhibit at 3550 South Ocean Gallery/West Palm Beach, 2019. Private collection of Michael Romano III/Chicago, Illinois.)
"Terra Peconic" 2012. Confluence of acrylics and enamel on canvas fused w/water and indigenous soil, bleached in sun. 41 x 73" (On Exhibit at Palm Beach Antique & Design Center, May 1-July 31, 2014. Exhibited at Melissa Morgan Fine Art Gallery/Palm Desert, CA, June-November, 2013. Exhibited at Luce Della Citta Gallery/Malibu, November 15, 2013-January 31, 2014.)
"ReBirthing" Acrylic, enamel, indigenous soil fused with water and baked in sun, on canvas. 62 x 47"
"Sunspray" Acrylic, enamel and indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in the sun. 27 x 49"
"Hurricane Blues" 2020. Confluence of Acrylics and Enamel on Canvas Fused w/Water and Indigenous Soil, Bleached in Sun. 47 x 48" (On Exhibit @ Manolis Projects/Miami, March 2022)
"Eyes en Pointe" Acrylic, enamel and indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in sun on canvas. (On Exhibit @ Manolis Projects Gallery/Miami, March 2022.) 63 x 69.5"
"Twilight Flurries" 2015. Acrylic, enamel, indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in the sun. 45 X 78"
"Sunflower Orbs" 2010. Acrylic and enamel leached through indigenous soil, soaked in water and baked in the sun. (On Exhibit @ Manolis Projects' Solo Show, March 2022.) 46 x 93"
"Terra Orba" Acrylic and enamel soaked in water and baked in sun, on canvas. 52x38"
"Conflict Resolution" Acrylic and india inks on canvas soaked in water. 33.5 x 59"
"Watery Bodies" 2009. Oil on canvas. 8 x 12'
"Lakers-Historical" 2010. Acrylic, enamel, oil paint pens, indigenous soil soaked in water and baked in the sun. 74 x 68"
"Coastal Layers" 2012. Acrylic, enamel, debris, soil, leaves, twigs soaked in water and baked in sun. 58 x 94"
"Renaissance" Acrylics and enamel 62 x 47" (Private collection Libet Sterling, London, England)
"Shroud of Terra" 2010. Acrylic, enamel soaked in water, leached through indigenous soil and baked in the sun. 51 x 79"
SOLD-"Middle Earth" Acrylic, enamel leached through indigenous soil and baked in sun. 68 x 62" (Private collection of James Dimonekas, New York/NY)
"Aqua Vitae" 2010. Acrylic and enamel soaked in water, leached through indigenous soil and baked in the sun. 49 x 101"
"Peconic SeaScape" in progress
Burkhardt in process of creating Earth Art, Peconic Bay/NY, 2010.
"Earth Art in Progress in the Arizona desert"
The Artist throwing paint and debris on to raw Earth Art canvas, Peconic Bay/NY, 2010.
"Serenity Lake" Acrylic, enamel and oil on canvas. 8 x 12' (Exhibited in "Top 10" out of 1800 entries @ Art Prize, Grand Rapids/MI)
Earth Art Canvases were born out of an artistic craving for organic beauty among life's essential elements and detritus, symbolic of the ultimate disintegration of nature's perfect beauty. Fusing indigenous soil, rain water, leaves, acrylics and enamel on unprimed canvas, one discovers the poetic imagery inherent in the primal underpinnings of our lives on planet earth. All reflected in a uniquely compelling abstract art form where nature in essence does the painting.